While a significant amount of data is available in the literature, the current push towards the hydrogen economy results in numerous new studies, adding more results to a database which tends to show inconsistencies with respect to the results. Hence the European Pipeline Research Group (EPRG) commissioned ROSEN to carry out a literature study which aims at clarifying and summarising available information with respect to the effect of hydrogen on the structural integrity of steel pipelines and non-metallic pipeline materials. As part of this literature study the current standards for hydrogen pipelines ASME B31.12 and the AIGA / EIGA guidelines are assessed, together with the draft ISO roadmap for hydrogen conversion, and focus areas for follow up research identified.
As the results are considered being of common interest, EPRG agreed on providing the results to the public. The report is downloadable here.
We invite you to visit our dedicated webpage on the topic 'Enabling European Hydrogen Pipeline Transport - Current Research Projects of the European Pipeline Research Group'.